Seeing Double

Issue #14 - Inside the brains of ageing dogs, dogs doubled, dog fur used as a creative solution to oil spills, and scoops more.

Seeing Double

I know what you're thinking.

"Why is Lee late with the Furrimals newsletter this week?"

Well, I won't keep you in suspense – I've been super busy enjoying some early birthday celebrations with Luna, family and friends. I'm turning the big 30!

Next week I'll be back on track with the latest doggo scoop. Until then, this newsletter is all about how dogs (and their fur) are being used for amazing science.

– Lee

PS Sunday Scoop is mainly spread through word of mouth. You can help Furrimals grow by sharing

Pet Fur Used to Mop Up Oil Spills

A California-based non-profit has found a creative way to rid water sources from petrochemicals. In a bizarre yet genius way, Matter of Trust is using pet fur shavings to absorb these harmful chemicals. Better than on the carpet floor I guess.

Inside the Brains of Aging Dogs

The Dog Aging Project is studying the smartness and memory of dogs to understand how humans can age better. That's right. Normally mice and other smaller animals are chosen for scientific studies, but in this groundbreaking research, dogs are being used instead.

Dog Desperately Tries to Wake Up Sleeping Pig

Ever been so tired and sleepy that nothing can wake you up? Then you may relate to the pig in this video. Watch and chuckle as a Husky desperately tries to wake it up.

Seeing Double

Mandy Helwedge uses her skills and talent as a photo editor to photoshop present-day dogs with their younger selves. It's like seeing double, and who wouldn't want to see their dog doubled?!

Dog's lives are too short, their only fault really" – Agnes Sligh Turnbull

Tweets 🐦

So many bad tweets. These are the good ones. Follow @furrimalsHQ on Twitter for extra content.

Previous issues

A Big Cognitive Leap
Issue #13 - Dogs can think in abstract ways like dolphins, Austin Butler plays with puppies, sleeping bulldogs, and scoops more.
12: Extreme Weather Warning 🥵
Issue #12 - UK’s first ever extreme weather warning, dogs smell like fritos, bulldogs doing funny things and scoops more.
11: Warning, Splash Zone!
Splash zone advised, Chris Evans plays with puppies, research backs sleeping with your pets and scoops more.
10: Please Don’t Pet my Dog
In this week’s issue: don’t pet my dog, Stranger Things playtime, Steve Carell loves puppies and scoops more.

  • Dog Dad 101: Practical and helpful advice, training tips, nutrition, and more!
  • Newsletter: All previous issues of the weekly newsletter
  • Resources: My favourite dog products, tech, apps, and books
  • About: Find out why I started Furrimals

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