Why Bulldogs Fart So Much: A Bulldog Dad's Guide

Discover why bulldogs fart so much and how to manage it. Tips from Bulldog dad, Lee, to keep your pup happy and your home fresh!

Why Bulldogs Fart So Much: A Bulldog Dad's Guide
Photo by Rebecca Hobbs / Unsplash

Hey Bulldog Dads,

It's Lee here, back with another story about my English Bulldog, Luna. Today, we're tackling a smelly subject: Why do bulldogs fart so much?

If you own a bulldog or are thinking about adopting one, you might wonder about their flatulence. Life with Luna has been filled with joy, laughter, and occasional stinky surprises. Here's why bulldogs fart so much and how to manage it.

Bulldogs' Unique Digestive System

Bulldogs aren't like other dogs; their digestive systems are unique. Luna's stomach is smaller than those of her ancestors, making her more prone to digestive issues. This delicate tummy is part of her charm but also the reason for her gassy emissions. Learn more about caring for your bulldog’s unique needs, including how to clean their wrinkles.

The Flat Face Dilemma

Watching Luna eat is a spectacle. Her flat face makes it harder for her to eat, leading to aerophagia—swallowing air with her food. This air has to come out somehow, contributing to her musical backside.

Dietary Factors

1. Carb Overload

Bulldogs need carbohydrates for energy, but too many carbs can lead to gas. Luna's diet used to be full of dry kibble, overloaded with starch and grains. Switching to a more balanced diet of raw dehydrated food reduced her gassy tendencies significantly.

2. Fat and Fibre Rich Foods

Balancing fats and fibres is crucial. Luna loves her macronutrients, but some fatty foods have caused stinky toots. Monitoring these has kept our home's air quality fresh.

3. Fermentable Food Items

Beans, broccoli, and cabbage are not just fart-fuel for humans! Luna once got into a bowl of beans, leading to an eventful few hours. These foods ferment in the body, causing more farting.

4. Dairy Products

Dairy is typically a no-go for bulldogs. Luna is lactose intolerant, and a dropped ice cream led to digestive revenge later.

Behavioural Factors

Aerophagia (Swallowing Air)

Luna's habit of gobbling down her food causes her to swallow air, which leads to extra toots. A slow-feeding dog bowl has been a game-changer.

Bulldog Personality and Habits

Luna's playful nature and occasional anxiety contribute to her farting. But who can resist those adorable faces, even if they come with a built-in trumpet? Enjoy these 7 hilarious signs that you're a dog dad.

Managing the Flatulence

Diet Adjustments

Finding the right food for Luna made a world of difference. Experimenting with different brands and paying attention to ingredients reduced her farting and made her happier. I occasionally feed Luna dehydrated raw food, which can be a little pricey, but you get what you pay for—quality.

Monitoring and Understanding Your Bulldog

Understanding Luna's eating habits and recognising signs of digestive distress made me better equipped to care for her. Bulldogs require careful observation, and it's all worth it when you see their wagging tails.

Final Thoughts

Bulldogs are unique, lovable creatures with sensitive stomachs and flat faces, making them more prone to farting. Embrace the farting; it's part of the package. Keep a window open and a scented candle handy. Life with a bulldog is never dull, especially with Luna around!

Read more: You Won't Believe How Good Bulldogs Are as Family Pets!